February Sew Up Features
I am so excited to introduce the wonderful talent behind Vintage Little Lady’s February Sew Ups! The choices were difficult to make, with so many gorgeous submissions, but we hope you enjoy these pretty inspirations created by Tykie Crum and Mallory Wychesit-Wrenn. Both of these featured creations are made using Vintage Little Lady’s Opal pattern. Want to sew up this gorgeous pattern, yourself? Click the button below!
“I am Mallory! Having a baby girl changed everything for me. It opened new opportunities like sewing for my baby, and now, years later, teaching her how to sew. It is a passion I hope to share with my girls.
Adam and I have 3 children, with our 4th due in April. Jacob is 12, Chloe is 6, and Riley is almost 2. We have decided not to find out the gender, and no knowing is hard, especially when all I want to do is sew little dresses.
I started a sewing business, PinkPicklez, almost 5 years ago.It was named after the color of my shirt and the last thing I ate. After sewing the same outfits over and over, I decided to change things up a bit. I now like to sew with vintage supplies. Thrift stores are my go-to for vintage fabrics, linens and patterns.
I chose to to make the Vintage Little Lady Opal with a vintage sheet, gingham, and buttons. I can’t wait for more VLL patterns!

We live on a small farm in Wisconsin, and during the warmer months (when I’m not sewing) you can find me vegetable gardening, preserving, and spending time with our animals. Chickens are my second hobby from sewing, and we have one named Pickles.
Thank you for letting me share a little bit about myself. This has been a fun and exciting opportunity. I can’t wait to see what the future has for Vintage Little Lady.”
Follow Mallory at instagram.com/pinkpicklezboutique
Mallory Wychesit-Wrenn

“Hello, my name is Tykie Crum, and I am the owner/designer of Sew Happy Handmade by Tykie! What a privilege to be included in this wonderful and talented group!
My sewing began as a pre-teen. My grandmother was a professional alterationist, and I learned quite a bit from her. I’ve been designing clothing since I was little, when I would crochet dresses for my Barbie dolls out of doily thread (my other grandmother taught me to crochet).
All my life, I have been driven to create and have crossed a huge variety of mediums. Sewing is my favorite since I became a grandmother to the sweetest special needs granddaughter ever! Her closet was filling up with clothes which she didn’t have time to wear, so I now have expanded my horizons to include any and all girls!
I am a fabric and pattern hoarder, literally. I love all things beautiful and can’t get enough of fabric designs and colors. At night, I dream about sewing! I will soon need to rent a warehouse to store my stash in.
Thank God I have an understanding husband who has gotten used to all of my “ideas” lying scattered throughout the house!
Nothing is sweeter than getting pictures back of little young ladies wearing something from my shop. How wonderful to do what I love and share it with others. I am blessed, indeed!”
Follow me at instagram.com/tykiecrum
Tykie Crum

Thank you to Tykie Crum and Mallory Wychesit-Wrenn for participating in February’s Sew Up Feature! If you’d like to see all of the amazing entries, please join the Vintage Little Lady Facebook Group by clicking the button below!